many_years_after wrote: > Hi,everyone: > > Have you any ideas? > > Say whatever you know about this. >
Perhaps you had better explain what you mean by "ascii code of Chinese characters". Chinese characters ("hanzi") can be represented in many ways on a computer, in Unicode as well as many different "legacy" encodings, such as GB, GBK, big5, two different 4-digit telegraph codes, etc etc. They can also be spelled out in "roman" letters with or without tone indications (digits or "accents") in the pinyin system -- is that what you mean by "ascii code"? Perhaps you might like to tell us what you want to do in Python with hanzi and "ascii codes", so that we can give you a specific answer. With examples, please -- like what are the "ascii codes" for the two characters in the common greeting that comes across in toneless pinyin as "ni hao"? Cheers, John --