mike_wilson1333 wrote:
> I would like to generate every unique combination of numbers 1-5 in a 5
> digit number and follow each combo with a newline.  So i'm looking at
> generating combinations such as: (12345) , (12235), (55554) and so on.
> What would be the best way to do this? So, basically i'm looking for a
> list of all combinations of 1-5 in a 5 digit unique number. Also, when
> I send the list to print there can't be any duplicates of the combos.
>       Thanks,
>       Mike

Hi Mike

mod5 = ['1','2','3','4','5']

X = [ ''.join([a,b,c,d,e])
      for a in mod5
      for b in mod5
      for c in mod5
      for d in mod5
      for e in mod5 ]

assert len(X) == 5**5
assert len(set(X)) == 5**5    #no duplicates



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