Simon Forman wrote:
> > I got rid of the triple quote string at the start of the function, and
> > that cleared up the problem, though I don't know why.
> >
> Ah, yes. The docstring for a function (or at least its first
> triple-quote) must be indented to the same degree as its statements.
> (If you're using IDLE it should have indented it for you when you hit
> return after the def statement.)
> HTH,
> ~Simon

Hi Simon:

Thanks. I code in VB / VBA, and use indented structure, but it's not
enforced they way it is in Python - still getting used to that. Also, I
got goofed up editing some of the code in VIM, indenting with tabs, and
then switching to IDLE, with space indentation. Whoops...

Thanks for all the help everyone, my first Python program is now



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