> However as far as I know Python does not allow you to easily change a
> specific line in a text file. You have to place the whole file to memory,
> change what you need to and then write the file back after deleting the
> previous information. 
> Assuming this is true, how do i find where the tabs are in the file so that
> I can distinguish between the different criteria? 

Well, I usually just use something like

NAME = 0
SIZE = 2
name = 'foo'
out = file('output.txt', 'w')
for line in file('input.txt'):
        line = line.rstrip('\n')
        items = line.split('\t')
        # do something with items:
        if name in items[NAME].lower():
                items[RATING] = str(int(items[RATING]) + 1)

which will loop through each line, incrementing the RATING field 
(assuming it's numeric?) where the NAME field contains 'foo'; 
then writing the resulting stuff back out to the output file.



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