bruce wrote:
> hi.
> i have the following sample code. i'm trying to figure out if there's a way
> to use a 'list of lists' in a mysql execute...
> i've tried a variety of combinations but i get an error:
>  Error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)
> the test code is:
> insertSQL = """insert into appTBL
>              (appName, universityID)
>               values(%s,%s)"""
> a = []
> b = []
> a.append('qqa')
> a.append(222)
> b.append(a)
> a=[]
> a.append('bbb')
> a.append(66)
> b.append(a)

What's wrong with b = [['qqa', 222], ['bbb', 66]] ???

> try:
>   c.execute(insertSQL, (b[0],b[1]))  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I don't use mysqldb but here are some thoughts:
(1) the v 2.0 DB API says the second arg should be a list of tuples,
not a tuple of lists
(2) and that usage is deprecated -- use executemany() instead.

> except MySQLdb.Error, e:
>   print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
>   print b
>   sys.exit (1)
> i've tried to use b, (b), etc...
> using b[0] works for the 1st row...
> any thoughts/comments...

At first glimpse [like I said, I don't use this and have not visited
the website before now], the author of mySQLdb has put a lot of effort
into the docs e.g.. the executemany() example at the end of this page
answers your question:

... why don't you bother to read the docs???


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