Wolfram Kraus wrote:
Felix Hebeler wrote:


I need to call an object attribute:

value = object.attrName[0]


Use getattr: value = getattr(object, attrName)[0]


Thanks so much! Had I known earlier. Looks so easy...

Now, why did I not find this in the online tutorial, the reference manual, or google?
Not that I didn't try... I mean, I would find 'getattr' if I searched, but if you don't know what you're looking for..

I find the reference manual extremely (== too) compact to look things up.
A couple of colleages and me agreed that it is much more difficult to find solutions and _useful_ tips for Python than e.g. for Java (where there's Javadoc for example). The syntax doc in the reference manual to me looks like computer linguists might understand, but unfortunately not me. And Python code IS really easy to read, I agree, but what if I can't find out how to write it?
I'd appreciate any link to online resources or recommendations for books (english/german)!

Chances are I'm a silly/lazy/deprived/stupid bugger, but I try to think there's still hope!

again, thank you so much for your quick response (thanks Gilles Lenfant too!), I really DO like the Python community ;-)


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