Andreas Pauley wrote:
My company has given me a rather cool project:
I have to provide them with an open-source python-based point-of-sale /
cash register system that can integrate with their existing ERP backend.
Do you have information about the interface to the ERP back end?
It could be anything just about anything...
The project will include development to ensure that the features they
require are included in the open-source POS system.
I read that as "will include automated acceptance tests", but perhaps
you meant something else?
Can you recommend anything that I can use?
There's a good chance you'll need to use PySerial, if the
cash registers are connected via RS-232, but beyond that
there's not much to say without more info. I believe I
heard somebody talking about a Python POS system before
in this newsgroup, but I'm not sure: check the archives?