I have added a unit test to some of my code, following closely the examples in the python docs and python in a nutshell. However, when I try calling unittest.main(), I get the following:

Ran 0 tests in 0.000s

exceptions.SystemExit                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/chris/<ipython console>

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PyMC/MCMC.py in runtest()
   2918 def runtest():
   2919     # Run unit tests
-> 2920     unittest.main ()
        global unittest.main = <class 'unittest.TestProgram'>

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/unittest.py in __init__(self=<unittest.TestProgram object at 0x10e1970>, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, argv=['/usr/local/bin/ipython'], testRunner=None, testLoader=< unittest.TestLoader object at 0x5ff870>)
    757         self.progName = os.path.basename(argv[0])
    758         self.parseArgs(argv)
--> 759         self.runTests()
        self.runTests = <bound method TestProgram.runTests of <unittest.TestProgram object at 0x10e1970>>
    761     def usageExit(self, msg=None):

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/unittest.py in runTests(self=< unittest.TestProgram object at 0x10e1970>)
    795             self.testRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity)
    796         result = self.testRunner.run(self.test)
--> 797         sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
        global sys.exit = <built-in function exit>
        result.wasSuccessful = <bound method _TextTestResult.wasSuccessful of <unittest._TextTestResult run=0 errors=0 failures=0>>
    799 main = TestProgram

SystemExit: False
Type exit or quit to exit IPython (%Exit or %Quit do so unconditionally).

My unit testing code is here:

class MCMCTest(unittest.TestCase ):
    def testCoalMiningDisasters(self):
        """Run coal mining disasters example sampler"""
        print 'Running coal mining disasters test case ...'
        # Create an instance of the sampler
        self.sampler = DisasterSampler()
        # Specify the nimber of iterations to execute
        iterations = 10000
        thin = 2
        burn = 5000
        chains = 2
        # Run MCMC simulation
        for i in range(chains):
            self.failUnless(self.sampler.sample(iterations, burn=burn, thin=thin, plot=True))
            # Run convergence diagnostics
            # Plot autocorrelation
        # Goodness of fit
        self.failIf(any(self.sampler.goodness(iterations/10)['overall'] < 0.05))

def runtest():
    # Run unit tests

I appear to be subclassing appropriately, and the only method begins with "test", so I do not see the problem. Can anyone help me out?


Chris Fonnesbeck + Atlanta, GA + http://trichech.us

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