>> Finally, what if, saints be preserved, your whizbang new module is
phr> It is not a whizbang module. It is a stripped-down, basic phr> implementation of a well-accepted set of standards that are being phr> used in thousands of other applications in other languages. Then there should be a library already out there already. All you should need to do is wrap it (manually, with SWIG, whatever). >> included in the core distribution and it's just not as popular as was >> first thought? phr> There is demand for it. Look at how this thread started: some phr> crypto user noticed that rotor was gone and wanted to know what to phr> do instead. Yes, and putting rotor back would be the wrong thing to do. phr> The issue of whether there's enough desire for a crypto module to phr> warrant including one in the stdlib was decided a long time ago. phr> The proof of that somebody decided to accept the rotor module into phr> the distro. No, rotor was added in Python's early days (July 1992). Times have changed. As long as we are discussing cryptography, what's wrong with m2crypto? http://sandbox.rulemaker.net/ngps/m2/ Why not incorporate it into the standard distribution? Or, what about Andrew Kuchling's crypto toolkit? http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html I believe both have been around awhile. If crypto-in-the-core is really what's needed why not see if one of them is ready to go? phr> The rotor module is gone (and good riddance). That's how this phr> thread started, remember? It shows that bogus modules can be phr> removed. Yeah, but it was there for over 10 years. phr> Have you ever used a crypto library in a serious way? Nope, never directly. Don't make this about me. I'm interested in the Python development process and how you'd like to turn it on its head. >> When it's the category king and there is substantial community >> support for inclusion, phr> It's already the category king, because there are precisely zero phr> other entrants in the category. See my above references. Note, I don't use crypto at all, yet I was aware of both of these (no Googling required). My guess would be they are substantially more mature than your proposed module. phr> I read those as saying that no crypto module will be considered for phr> inclusion whether or not it's the category king, because any such phr> module might conflict with crypto regulations in some countries. That may be a problem, sure. I'm not sure how the discussion here changes that. That's just life as we know it. phr> So tell me again what to do after writing and releasing a C module. phr> There's just no reason to write one, if the module can't go into phr> the stdlib. Why in the heck is inclusion in the standard library a requirement for you to write this thing? If it's useful to you, write it and get on with your life. >> Python is popular in part because of its fairly conservative >> development strategy. That goes for the libraries as well as the >> language itself. phr> Tell me again how rotor got into the distribution. Okay. It was 1992. Bill Clinton had recently been elected president. It was pretty much pre-WWW as we know it. Definitely pre-comp.lang.python and pre-Google (heck, pre-Yahoo, pre-Win98 and pre-Mac OSX as well). Pre-string methods. Pre-triple-quoted strings. Pre-spammers. Pre-DSL. Pre-lots of stuff. There was an Emacs python-mode and <wink>s, both thanks to Tim. People opined about Python's performance, just as they do today. Python's version number was around 0.9.4, definitel < 1.0. Guido was the only person with direct repository access. Including something in the distribution was probably the only convenient way to make new modules available. If nothing else, the rotor module (along with anything else included in the distribution back then) may have been a good exercise in and demonstration of writing extension modules, so it probably served a useful non-crypto purpose. Python's user community was probably a few hundred people. Guido likely had no thoughts of world domination with the little language that could. Times have changed. You seem think there was a PEP process and distutils and Wikis. I suspect some of the algorithms one might include in a robust crypto toolkit today weren't even invented in 1992. So throw away the rotor crutch and put your money where your mouth is. Skip -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list