Cliff Wells wrote: > On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 22:25 -0700, Luis M. González wrote: > > IMHO the best way of using mod_python is with its publisher handler. > > It let's you code your applications in a MVC (model view controller) > > style. > > While I agree (or at least consider the point moot) that this is > possibly the best way to use plain mod_python, I'd disagree that it's a > good way to develop modern web applications in Python. By the time > you've decided on every bit of framework to use, and made all the little > decisions that go into turning a fresh, clean spot on your hard drive > into an application, what you've done is reinvent TurboGears rather than > develop your application.
However, at least whatever you come up with would be better documented than TurboGears. ;) (I reserve the right to amend this jocular opinion after TurboGears hits version 1.0.) -- Ben Sizer --