Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Bart Ogryczak schrieb:
> > Hi,
> > Rigth now I'm using two IDEs for Python, KDevelop and Eric. Both have
> > drawbacks. KDevelop is a multilanguage IDE, and doesn't really have
> > anything special for Python. There's no Python debugger, no PyDOC
> > integration, it's class browser doesn't display attributes. On the
> > other side there's Eric, which is made just for Python. But.. it
> > doesn't integrate with KDE, doesn't support remote files (fish://,
> > ftp:// etc.). Does anyone know a better IDE for Python, that'll
> > integrate nicely with KDE?
> I bet you can try and convince Detlev Offenbach (eric developer) to add
> that - he already has _some_ KDE-specific stuff in there, and I presume
> supporting IO-Slaves might not be too hard.

Actually I doubt it. For example on question why doesn't Eric use
katepart as editor, he responded:
"Because it is actually written using PyQt and is meant to work on
Win... and Mac OS X as well. Therefore it must not depend on KDE (or
any other non-portable or non-ported toolkit)."


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