
Several possibilities come to mind...
>From your description, maybe something like Postgres, MySql, or sqlite
would not be the best option. (However, I'm wondering what your query
requirements are -- for example, if you really need the power of SQL,
maybe you should just bite the bullet and map to an RDBMS schema, as
painful as that may be. However, if you need to provide a minimal query
interface, this may not be an issue.) Pickle seems like an option, but
I don't have much experience with it and can't say.

A couple of other possibilities:
1. What about storing your data in XML and using XQuery to facilitate
queries? If your data is deeply nested, as you say, this may be a good
 2. What about storing your data in the same syntax as a Python
dictionary? Is that possibile? (If it is, then your data *is* your
code, and you don't have to worry about parsing it.)

I don't know whether any of this makes sense for your problem, but in
any case, good luck.


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