Tom Brown wrote: > Hey people, > > I've written a python app that r/w eight serial ports to control eight > devices > using eight threads. This all works very nicely in Linux. I even put a GUI on > it using PyQt4. Still works nicely. > > Then I put the app on on a virtual Windows machine running inside of vmware > on > the same Linux box. Vmware only lets me have four serial ports so I run the > app against four serial ports using four threads. The app did not respond > quick enough to data from the serial ports and eventually hung. > > So, I tried one serial port and the app still did not respond quick enough to > the single serial port. It eventually hangs. > > When the app hung, in each case, it was not hogging the cpu nor reading any > data off the serial ports. The task manager didn't show it was doing anything > at all. > > When it runs on Windows, could it be: > > 1) Just struggling to run inside of VMware? > > 2) Using threads with Qt on Windows is a problem? > > 3) Threads in python on Windows is a problem? > > Any ideas? > > Thanks, > Tom
Hi, I have been using wxpython myself with pyserial in Windows 2000/XP. No problems. Below are (edited) code segments. The "self.jam" is used for stopping serial port processing without stopping the thread. -------- thread example starts -------------------- class T1Thread(Thread): def __init__(self, inport): Thread.__init__(self) self._want_abort = 0 self.inprt = inport # COMx self.inprt.flushInput() self.run_count = 0 # self.jam = false # self.start() def run(self): while self._want_abort == 0: if not self.jam: self.read_simulations() sleep(1) def abort(self): self._want_abort = 1 # Stop from GUI def read_simulations(self): ..blah..blah.. self.inprt.flushInput() sleep(5) -------- thread example ends -------------------- -------- Wxpython code starts -------------------- def OnRun(self, event): if self.in_port != "No" and not self.T1worker: self.T1worker = T1Thread(self.inprt) if self.out_port != "No" and not self.T2worker: self.T2worker = T2Thread(self.outprt) if self.in2_port != "No" and not self.T3worker: self.T3worker = T3Thread(self.in2prt) def OnStop(self, event): if self.T1worker: self.T1worker.abort() if self.T2worker: self.T2worker.abort() if self.T3worker: self.T3worker.abort() sleep(3) self.T1worker= None self.T2worker= None self.T3worker= None print "\nSTOPPED\n" -------- Wxpython code ends -------------------- -pekka- --