"Nick Vatamaniuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| HJ, | | As someone already posted, the backend sounds very much like a | database, so why not use a database: transactions, specific views for | different users, limited access and so on = database! | Give PostgresSQL a try... *nods* - looks like I am going to have to do this.... | As far as presenting a different GUI to users, you can also do it based | on the database. In other words have a common login screen and if the | usertype from the database is returned as 'restricted' draw one | interface, if it is returned as 'full' draw the full interface. Even if | the restricted user will get the full interface up it won' t be | functional because the database would restrict writes to certain | tables/columns. This is the guts of my question - if I dont know all the types now, how do I make the front end so that I can easily update it as time reveals new requirements - a la banking style terminals - see my reply to Simon please | Remote update of code is also possible, but you'll have to implement | some kind of update server to which you can periodically send Python | files, those files will be installed on the machine by the update | server. You can try playing with Twisted to handle the networking. Or | just write a simple script to send stuff over scp/ssh -- that's what I | would do (start the ssh server, install public keys and then just scp | stuff over to the machines assuming they are online most of the | time...). This kind of addresses getting the stuff on to the server on the site for me - I would like the front end to be more dynamic... | | The problem will be if something goes wrong in the updated file or with | the update server then the whole system will be down (an off-by-one | error in the GUI db client code and all of the sudden all your users | will be writing bad data to the database... all at the same time). So | you will need to do frequent backups of the database, but you probably | know this already... | | Hope this helps, | Nick Vatamaniuc *grin* yes and it scares the s**t out of me - this is why I like the "do one thing at a time to completion " approach - much easier to recover when things go wrong... - Hendrik -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list