
   This works. 's' is your SQL sample.

>>> import SE  # From the Cheese Shop with a good manual
>>> Split_Marker = SE.SE (' ";=\<split here>"  "~\$_?\$(.|\n)*?\$_?\$~==" ')
>>> s_with_split_marks = Split_Marker (s)
>>> s_split = s_with_split_marks.split ('<split here>')

That's it! And it isn't as complicated as it looks. The first expressions says 
translate the semicolon to your split mark. The
second expression finds the $-blocks and says translate them to themselves. So 
they don't change. You can add as many expressions as
you want. You'd probably want to choose a more convenient split mark.


----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
To: <python-list@python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: need help of regular expression genius

> I need to split a text at every ; (Semikolon), but not at semikolons
> which are "escaped" within a pair of $$ or $_$ signs.
> My guess was that something along this should happen withing csv.py;
> but ... it is done within _csv.c :(
> Example: the SQL text should be splitted at "<split here>" (of course,
> those "split heres" are not there yet :)
> set interval 2;
> <split here>
> CREATE FUNCTION uoibcachebetrkd(bigint, text, text, text, text, text,
> timestamp without time zone, text, text) RETURNS integer
>     AS $_$
>         DECLARE
>             result int4;
>         BEGIN
>             update bcachebetrkd set
>                 name=$2, wieoftjds=$3, letztejds=$4, njds=$5,
> konzern=$6, letztespeicherung=$7, betreuera=$8, jdsueberkonzern=$9
>             where id_p=$1;
>         IF FOUND THEN
>             result:=-1;
>         else
>            insert into bcachebetrkd (
>            id_p, name, wieoftjds, letztejds, njds, konzern,
> letztespeicherung, betreuera, jdsueberkonzern
>            )
>             values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
>             result:=$1;
>         END IF;
>             RETURN result;
>         END;
>         $_$
>     LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> <split here>
> CREATE FUNCTION set_quarant(mylvlquarant integer) RETURNS integer
>     AS $$
>     BEGIN
> perform relname from pg_class
>             where relname = 'quara_tmp'
>               and case when has_schema_privilege(relnamespace, 'USAGE')
>                     then pg_table_is_visible(oid) else false end;
>         if not found then
>             create temporary table quara_tmp (
>                 lvlquara integer
>             );
> else
>    delete from quara_tmp;
> end if;
> insert into quara_tmp values (mylvlquarant);
>   return 0;
>   END;
>  $$
>     LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> <split here>
> Can anybody hint me in the right direction, how a RE looks for "all ;
> but not those ; within $$" ?
> Harald
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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