On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 13:22:33 +0200, Sybren Stuvel wrote:

>> "Nah, we're not interested in Python."
> Ask them why.

I know why. In general Java guys can recognize Ruby as more friendly
language than Python, more secured (there is almost no security in Python).
There is also much more hype about Ruby on java blogs. 

> The behaviour of Ruby hasn't even properly been defined.

No. Ruby uses different paradigm. The language can be extended with its
open classes. There is many similarity between Ruby and Smalltak. No Perl
or Java, but Smalltalk. Philosophy and object model is very similiar. Ruby
is more dynamic than Python exactly like Smalltak is.

The main reason for using Rails is: Rails is complete framework, much
easier to learn and use than Django.

The main reason for using Python: Python is more productive. It is easier
to learn Python than Ruby. Python uses minimalistic approach. It contains
less methods, structures than Ruby. It is easier to memorize. Ruby has
messed namespace with many aliases to methods. And it has much more methods
to every object. It is difficult to remember them. There is no Ruby
docstrings as well. You have to read manual, book much more than in Python.

Also modules are easier to use in Python. When I am doing import blah i
know what was downloaded and I can see it by simply typing dir(blah). 
But when you do "require blah" in Ruby you know *nothing*. You have to
look inside blah.rb file to see what was happened. "require" command can
execute code, add many namespaces etc. etc.

Jarosław Zabiełło

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