On 25 Jul 2006 08:01:30 -0700, KraftDiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to call a C++ class from python.
> I've looked around and the solution would appear to be boost.


> I'm not sure but maybe I've downloaded and installed the entire boost
> library,
> when there is probably a separate tar ball for python / C++
> integration.
> Can someone please point me to a tar ball for mac os x so that I can
> call
> my C++ class from Python?

It is not clear what you are asking for.

You can download the tar ball from boost site.
After this use bcp(http://boost.org/tools/bcp/bcp.html) utility to extract
boost.python and its dependencies.

After this you can read tutorials and to start working.

Anyway, it is better to ask Boost.Python related questions on it's mailing list:

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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