
I'm new in python. I know that there are several classes for writing
dns servers, but I don't understand it

I just want to know if anyone could help me in writing a code for
minimal authoritative dns server. I would like that anyone show me the
code, minimal, for learn how expand it.

The code I desireed should do the following:

1) It has an hash:
hosts = { "myhost"   =>
                "localhost" =>,
                "blue"  => fe80::20f:b0ff:fef2:f106
2) If any application asks if know any hosts, say nothing if this host
is not in the hash (hosts). If this host is in the hash, return the ip
3) And not do anything more

So if we put this server in /etc/resolv.conf then the browsers only
recognize the hosts we want

Thanks in advance,

PS: For personal communication, DXpublica @@@@@ telefonica.net


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