John Machin wrote:
> --test results snip---
> Looks to me like the problem has nothing at all to do with the length
> of the searched strings, but a bug appeared in 2.3.  What version(s)
> were you using? Can you reproduce your results (500 & 499 giving
> different answers) with the same version?

Hello John, thank you for investigating and responding!

Yes, I can reproduce the behaviour with different results within the
same version -- which is 2.4.3 (#69, Mar 29 2006, 17:35:34) [MSC v.1310
32 bit (Intel)]

The catch is to remove the last character, as i described in my
original post, as opposed to passing reduced length parameters to
find_longest_match, which is what you did.

It is morning now, but i still fail to see the mistake i am making --
if it is indeed a bug, where do i report it? 



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