Thomas Heller wrote:

> There are a couple of known bugs in bdist_wininst, and you just reported
> another one.  All these bugs are related to using the
> post_install_script, and show up when either (thats what I currently
> remember):
> - the installer is run from a readonly location,
> - the installer is run from a different drive (as you reported)
> - the installer installs for Python 2.4
> I will fix these issues in Python 2.3.5, which will probably be out as a
> release candidate this week, and in Python 2.4.1.

One more small thing I just remembered...

In my testing, I noticed the installer, even when it succeeds, leaves little
temp files littering the root directory of the drive it was run from.  These
seem to be the files where stdout is captured, but they should be explicitly
removed at the end.




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