Thanks for all your kind information. I haven't used COM objects so
far.I think now I have to learn it.Anyway thanks a lot again.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 12:43:50 -0700, Dave Brueck
> Peter Hansen wrote:
> > paritosh mahana wrote:
> >
> >> How can I call python code from my C#  code.
> [snip]
> > You could use ctypes or the pywin32 package to provide your
> > Python code with an ActiveX interface.  Then you could just
> > use it via COM, like any other COM object.  Lots of references
> > available via Google if you want to learn more about this
> > approach...
> Lemme add my two cents and say that this approach works well.
> We have a component that uses ctypes and runs as a COM local server (its own
> .exe) and we currently use it both from Internet Explorer and from a C#
> application. COM can be hairy initially, but if you have any experience with 
> then this approach is pretty straightforward.
> -Dave
> --

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