Hello all,

Due to the size of my source, I want to split it up into multiple 
files(basically one class in each file), but then I have difficulties with 
the directory layout when the modules are installed with distutils.

This is my file layout:

in ./ I have a setup.py which has 'packages="foo"'

in ./foo/ I have an __init__.py and a handful of files named ClassA.py, 
ClassB.py, ClassC.py and so forth.

The problem is that when installed, in order to reach, say, classB, I need to 

import foo.ClassA

var = foo.ClassA.ClassA()

while I want to do var = foo.ClassA()

In other words, the result I want can be achieved by putting all code in 
__init__.py. The problem is that I would find it horrible to have all code in 
one file.

Python have this one-to-one relationship between modules and files; can what I 
want somehow be achieved?




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