Roy Smith wrote:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Quest Master <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, my question is simply this: is there an implementation of another
scripting language into Python?

Python *is* a scripting language. Why not just let your users write Python modules which you them import and execute via some defined API?

Because you cannot make Python secure against a malicious (or ignorant) user -- there's too much flexibility to be able to guard against every possible way in which user-code could harm the system. Parsing your own (limited) scripting language allows much better control over what user-code is capable of doing, and therefore allows (at least some measure of) security against malicious code.

To the O.P.: Yes, people have implemented other languages in Python. For example, I believe that Danny Yoo has written a Scheme interpreter in Python (Google tells me it should be at but I'm getting no response from that host right now), but I don't know whether Scheme counts as a scripting language. ;)

However, if you're using a fully-featured language for these user scripts, you'll probably have the same security issues I mentioned for Python. Unless you really need that level of features, you may be better off designing your own limited language. Check into the docs for pyparsing for a starter...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


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