Thanks for the response. However, I continue to have problems. Allow me to give some more detail.
For simplicity of testing, I hard coded the classpath and JVM path (BTW getDefaultJVMPath() returns None on my system) import os, os.path from jpype import * startJVM("C:/jdk1.5.0/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll", "-Djava.class.path=D:/Temp/classes") ... shutdownJVM() I have setup a classes folder in the script folder (D:/Temp) and have placed test.class in it. I run the script from the script folder (working directory is the same as script's root path in this case) Now how do I load the class test? I am afraid I cannot make that out from the docs. The simple test class is public class test { public int i = 100; } What do I have to do before I can write test().i ? Thank you for your time. --