On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:54:17AM +0100, Uwe Mayer wrote:
> Any suggestions how I handle uninstallation? This was provided by automake
> rather mechanically. I didn't find a section on that in the distutils
> documentation... :(

I've been using distutils for a couple of projects I've written for
work. Overall I love it as I rarely have to consult documentation (I always
need to look at documentation to use autoconf, though I must admit I have only
used autoconf/automake on two projects). On the distutils2.0 Wiki page
(http://www.python.org/moin/DistUtils20) I found the quote:

"Uninstallation is solved as soon as we have an installation database, which
is part of what we're trying to do here." -- BobIppolito

So it looks like they are working on it.


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