Bengt Richter wrote:
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:22:33 +1000, Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Steven Bethard wrote:
I wrote:
> If you really want locals that don't contribute to arguments, I'd be
> much happier with something like a decorator, e.g.[1]:
> @with_consts(i=1, deftime=time.ctime())
> def foo(x, y=123, *args, **kw):
> return x*y, kw.get('which_time')=='now' and time.ctime() or deftime
> Then you don't have to mix parameter declarations with locals
> definitions.
> Steve
> [1] I have no idea how implementable such a decorator would be. I'd
> just like to see function constants declared separate from arguments
> since they mean such different things.
I played around with this, and I think it's basically implementable:
Raymond's constant binding decorator is probably a good model for how to do
I thought so too. I modified it to accept **presets as a keyword argument
and generate constants and assignments from its values matching assignment names
when the rhs was __frompresets__, e.g.,
>>> from makeconstpre import make_constants as pre
>>> import time
>>> @pre(verbose=True, deftime=time.ctime(), a=1, b=2, c=3,
... def foo():
... deftime = __frompresets__
... b, a = __frompresets__
... c = __frompresets__
... pi = __frompresets__
... return locals()
__frompresets__ : deftime --> Sat Jan 22 20:18:09 2005
__frompresets__ : ('b', 'a') --> (2, 1)
__frompresets__ : c --> 3
__frompresets__ : pi --> 3.14159265359
locals --> <built-in function locals>
Hmm... Having to state
deftime = __frompresets__
when you've already stated
seems a little redundant to me...