Fredrik Lundh wrote:
"rm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

100% right on, stuff (like this)? should be easy on the users, and if possible, on the developers, not the other way around.

I guess you both stopped reading before you got to the second paragraph
in my post.  YAML (at least the version described in that spec) isn't easy on
users; it may look that way at a first glance, and as long as you stick to a
small subset, but it really isn't.  that's not just bad design, that's plain 

and trust me, when things are hard to get right for developers, users will
suffer too.


you stopped reading too early as well, I guess:
"maybe their stated goal is not reached with this implementation of their idea"

and the implementation being the spec,

furthermore, "users will suffer too", I'm suffering if I have to use C++, with all its exceptions and special cases.

BTW, I pickpocketed the idea that if there is a choice where to put the complexity, you never put it with the user. "pickpocket" is strong, I've learned it from an analyst who was 30 years in the business, and I really respect the guy, basically he was always right and right on. On the other hand, the management did not always like what he thought :-)


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