Andrà Roberge wrote:
Craig Ringer wrote:

On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 16:13 -0800, Andrà wrote:

Short version of what I am looking for:

Given a class "public_class" which is instantiated a few times e.g.

a = public_class()
b = public_class()
c = public_class()

I would like to find out the name of the instances so that I could
create a list of them e.g.
['a', 'b', 'c']

... Behind the scene, I have something like: robot_dict = { 'robot' = CreateRobot( ..., name = 'robot') } and have mapped move() to correspond to robot_dict['robot'].move() (which does lots of stuff behind the scene.) ...[good explanation]...
> Does this clarify what I am trying to do and why?

Yup.  Would something like this help?

    parts = globals().copy()
    names = [name for name, value in parts.iteritems()
             if isinstance(value, Robot)] # actual class name here

Note, however, that

    a = b = CreateRobot()

will give two different names to the same robot.

And even:

    Karl = CreateRobot()
    Freidrich = CreateRobot()
    for robot in (Karl, Freidrich):

Will have two names for "Freidrich" -- Freidrich and robot

--Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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