Istvan Albert wrote:
> XML with elementtree is what makes me never have think about XML again.

I second that. I heard about yaml and I read into it, but when I tried
to use it I didn't seem to get in touch with all of the glory
surrounding it. The yaml module -- when I tried to use it -- was very
error prone, and simply didn't work. I didn't have the time to go
through and try to tweak it because I was pressed for time and need a
quick solution. As for syck, I don't know if it was just me, but when
I downloaded it I got a whole lot of directories with obscure names
and files with .c extensions. So, discouraged, I gave up on yaml.

Elementtree, on the other hand, is wonderful :)

Irmen de Jong wrote:
> +1 QOTW

I second that, as well.

Daniel Bickett

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