The second alpha release of version 2 of the Python Computer Graphics
Kit is available at

What is it?

The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a generic 3D package written in
C++ and Python that can be used for a variety of domains such as
scientific visualization, photorealistic rendering, Virtual Reality or
even games. The package contains a number of generic modules that can
be useful for any application that processes 3D data. This includes
new types such as vectors, matrices and quaternions. Furthermore, the
package can read and store 3D models in memory where they can be
manipulated by Python programs. The kit comes with tools that can be
used to display the scene either interactively or by rendering it
offline via a RenderMan renderer.

What's new?

- New module "glove" that wraps the 5DT Data Glove SDK
- New module "wintab" that wraps the Wintab API to receive data from
tablets (Windows only)
- New module "spacedevice" that wraps the 3Dconnexion 3DXWare SDK
(currently Windows only)
- New class: FreeCamera
- STL importer added (ASCII and binary)
- some bugfixes and minor enhancements (see changelog)

Windows binary versions are available for Python 2.3 and Python 2.4.

For more information, visit:

- Matthias -


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