Can't seem to hit the site right now.  I'll have to try back later.  From what I
can tell, there aren't any mirrors set up, either.  Two quick recommendations is
promising, though.

Thanks for the recommendations.


"Roger Binns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Peter A. Schott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > have a handful of partners who use FTPS or SFTP and I need to pull/push 
> > files
> > to/from them.
> For SFTP, run don't walk, over to
> Paramiko is a pure Python(*) implementation of SSH and all the
> sub-protocols such as SFTP.  Works on all platforms, very responsive
> author, works reliably and LGPL license.
> (*) It does require PyCrypto which is a native code package available
>     for all platforms.
> Roger 


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