Anybody like to comment on which editor they use for python web app development - for both discrete and mixed python and html code, and why?

I'm comfortable with IDLE (used it for years) but of course it lacks ftp or webDAV abilities, obviously because it's not intended for that type of use.

I've had a look at Screem - and that seems to do python syntax highlighting, but it dosn't seem to be python syntax aware (unless there's a hidden option somewhere). Although I can live without auto indent, I'd rather not...

I'm sure emacs, xemacs, vi, elvis and so on can do the same, but I have no experience with them for heavy python or html coding, nor the time to trip off down a blind-alley to find out! I know Enough Vi To Get By(tm) but it's by no means my favourite editor. Emacs is a complete mystery to me.

I guess I *could* use IDLE and Screem together, but that's a clunky solution!

all opinions greatfully received,

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