Irmen de Jong wrote:
Kent Johnson wrote:

This is an XML document containing a single tag, <string>, whose content is text containing entity-escaped XML.

This is *not* an XML document containing tags <DataSet>, <Order>, <Customer>, etc.

All the behaviour you are seeing is a consequence of this. You need to unescape the contents of the <string> tag to be able to treat it as structured XML.

The unescaping is usually done for you by the xml parser that you use.

Yes, so if your XML contains for example <stuff>&lt;not a tag&gt;</stuff>

and you parse this and ask for the *text* content of the <stuff> tag, you will 
get the string
"<not a tag>"

but it's still *not* a tag. If you try to get child elements of the <stuff> 
element there will be none.

This is exactly the confusion the OP has.


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