On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:26:46 -0500, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> So the solutions that come to mind are some form of dictionary in shared
> memory with locking semaphore scoreboard or a multithreaded process
> containing a single database (Python native dictionary, metakit, gdbm??)
> and have all of my processes speak to it using xmlrpc which leaves me
> with the question of how to make a multithreaded server using stock
> xmlrpc.

Another solution might be to store the records as files in a directory,
and use file locking to control access to the files (careful over NFS!).

You might also consider berkeley db, which is a simple database to add to
an application, (and which I believe supports locks), but I must admit I'm
not a fan of the library.

I assume that the bottleneck is processing the records, otherwise this all
seems a bit academic.



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