I actually target Unix and windows so pyexe won't cut it I'm afraid - same issue with Inno.
As far as the site-package target, I don't fully understand your relunctancy. Just as my potential users might not own a compiler, they might not be computer proficient enough to easily understand how to change the sys.path. So until I have found a clean cross platform solution I'm going to have to stick to site-packages.
Hi Philippe
You may want to have a look at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=793070&group_id=5470
This was originally a patch to distutils which enabled removing the source (i.e. only distributing compiled files). I have now attached a file there which enables you to do the same thing, but without patching distutils - it just wraps functions etc from outside.
Basically you call allow_distutils_remove_source in the module and it does the neccessary changes. Then you get a --remove-source options to most of the commands. You can also selectively override what gets removed if you want by changing the is_removable function
I hope this is useful for what you're wanting to do
David -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list