Will Stuyvesant wrote:
Streams are interesting because they are to lists like
xrange is to range.  Could save a lot on memory and

I think you're looking for generators.

Below is my straight translation from Scheme code in the
Wizard book to Python.

Something else: this crashes with a "maximum recursion reached"
. print stream_enumerate_interval(1,998)

Unlike Scheme, Python isn't designed for heavily recursive algorithms. Here's a more Pythonic equivalent of your code:

def count(start, stop):
    i = start
    while i < stop:
        yield i
        i += 1

def even(gen):
    for x in gen:
        if x % 2 == 0:
            yield x

numbers = even(count(1, 999))
first = numbers.next()
second = numbers.next()

print second
Benji York


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