You know, Guido might as well give in now on the Macro issue. If he doesn't come up with something himself, apparently we'll just hack bytecode.
Ah, hacking bytecode isn't where it's at anymore. These days, you use the compiler package and munge the AST. Hygenic!
That said, the big brake on macros implemented either of these ways is the fact that the source still has to be syntactically valid python. You can make a macro FOOBAR that works in these ways:
x = FOOBAR(some, arguments) # Pseudo-function
if FOOBAR: a.suite # Pseudo-'if' statement
{ FOOBAR: expr } # Pseudo-throwaway dict
...but not these:
FOOBAR: a.suite # Suite that explicity depends on FOOBAR for meaning
x = a FOOBAR b # expression with pseudo-keyword
What we need is a generic suite statement, something like:
gensuite ::= [decorators] "do:" suite
...where the suite is treated like the body of an anonymous function that is called and discarded immediately after it is defined. In other words, the code
@f2 do: pass roughly equivalent to:
@f2 def <unique name>(): pass <unique name>() del <unique name>
Then we could abuse the heck out of it by perverting the AST of
@FOOBAR do: stuff
That's never going to happen, tho.
Evan @ 4-am