Op 2005-01-18, Steve Holden schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Python is *designed* as a dynamic language. I wish you would embrace > this aspect rather than continually trying to shoehorn it into a static > straitjacket. Efficiency is good. Flexibility is better.
Flexibility is better? IMO flexibilty implies more than one way to do things. But that is a big no no here in c.l.py. I also see a lot of remarks that go: "Don't do this!" when some of the more dynamic aspects are talked about, because there are security risks involved. One of the results was that I ended up writing a parser for some kind of game instead of just dumping the structure in textual form and doing an eval of the file when reading it in. But if I need a parser I could just as well used a static language. I'm beginning to guess the dynamic aspect of python is overrated. -- Antoon Pardon -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list