Kartic wrote:
> I have used ftplib but never for such a huge file (assuming your
> problem is related to the size of the file).
we're doing that since python 2.2 from different site to different
hosts where our script was installed...
needless to say all the (few) problems we had came from the servers...

> Have you tried downloading the file using another ftp client? Does
> download succeed? The reason I ask is because I have attempted
> downloads from servers that terminate the connection after a certain
> connection time, in the middle of a download!
After two weeks the sysadms of the ftp server
discovered a misconficuration in some router... Anyway
we had already change the script: we  managed to trap any exception and

we added a "retry" loop.

> That is the best I can help you out with the information.
Thank you for your help anyway.



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