wow! Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves? Well, I'm glad you are beefing up your college knowledge but let's just sit back for a minute and breathe..........there, feel better? Now, listen. When I was a freshman and sophomore in high school I was so sure I wanted to be an artist and attend one of the most highly recognized and expensive art schools in the country. I wanted to go to college back east away from my parents. Now I'm a psychology major in community college and I want to attend UCLA! First of all, NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS when it comes to your major. Do what it is true to your heart and never let people say you can't! You can double major if you want to be on the safe side. Compsci isn't an easy thing to do as you know and it's a highly regarded profffession! By the time you graduate college, the world could be a completely different place. But let's just worry about here and now. If you think too much about the future IT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY! Trust me, you are doing everything right so far. I applaud your effort but relax and everything will fall into place eventually! I would suggest taking Japanese because you will have to work with them eventually if you do decide to choose compsci as your proffesion. Margaux