Istvan Albert wrote:
Cameron Laird wrote:

Someone really ought to include a couple of sentences to that effect
on the front page of <URL: >.

Now I remember visiting this site, but never understood how it
actually worked. Examples such as:

from jpype import *
startJVM("d:/tools/j2sdk/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll", "-ea")
java.lang.System.out.println("hello world")

in three different versions are the only code examples
that to show "complete" working snippets. I'm still
clueless as to how would one say share a list between
python and java.


I am sorry you find the site so confusing ... perhpas I shold post a more complete example in a prominent location ...

To asnwer your question more fully, the jpype-specific cide is only for looking up the Classes and startting/stopping the environment. For everything else, Java objects and classes are used as regular Python objects.

In version 0.4.x, the API mostly remain Java's. This means some of the basic magic python methods have been mapped to java equivalent (like __str__ mapped to toString() and __eq__ mapped to equals()).

If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the feedback list on sourceforge. I check it every day and I try to answer as quickly as possible.

Steve, aka devilwolf on sourceforge, maintainer of JPype

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