Torsten Mohr wrote: > i write an extension module in C at the moment. > > I want to define some constants (integer mainly, > but maybe also some strings). > > How do i do that best within this extension module > in C? Do i supply them as RO attributes? > > What's the best way for it?
reading the source for existing modules will teach you many useful idioms. here's how this is currently done: PyMODINIT_FUNC initmymodule(void) { PyObject *m; m = Py_InitModule(...); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "int", value); PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "string", "string value"); } (both functions set the exception state and return -1 if they fail, but you can usually ignore this; the importing code will check the state on return from the init function) if you want to support older versions of Python, you need to add stuff to the module dictionary yourself. an example: #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02030000 DL_EXPORT(void) #else PyMODINIT_FUNC #endif initmymodule(void) { PyObject* m; PyObject* d; PyObject* x; m = Py_InitModule(...); d = PyModule_GetDict(m); x = PyInt_FromLong(value); if (x) { PyDict_SetItemString(d, "INT", x); Py_DECREF(x); } x = PyString_FromString("string value"); if (x) { PyDict_SetItemString(d, "STRING", x); Py_DECREF(x); } } </F> --