On Jan 17, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Steve Holden wrote:

It looks like dabo uses, not replaces, wxPython

Actually I think it *layers* wxPython, with the intention of being able to replace wxPython with other GUI kits at a later date. So, there should be a simpler graphical API, but since I haven't yet done more than dabble (dabole?) with dabo I can't be sure.

That's correct. We are basing the UI on wxPython initially, but wrapping wx for two reasons: to make it simpler to code UIs, and to make it possible to use other UI toolkits instead of wx. The first reason is by far the more important of the two, but an eventual goal for Dabo post-1.0 release (we're at 0.3 now!) will be to allow TkInter and other toolkits to be used as well.

 Ed Leafe


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