Stian Soiland wrote:
På 14. jan 2005 kl. 22:58 skrev Steven Bethard:

(Any mac users? How do I fix this to appear in Norwegian? =)

Note that if you're not comfortable with short-circuiting behavior, you can also code this using lazy evaluation:

(lambda: 1/x, lambda: 1.0e99)[x==0]()

.. and people wonder why so many Python people want to get rid of Lambda =)

Heh heh. No I don't. ;)

In fact, I don't ever use lambdas in any of my own "real" code. But I don't mind being a little dirty when I post to ;) I guess I could have written this as:

    def inverse():
        return 1/x
    def largenum():
        return 1.0e99
    b = (inverse, largenum)[x==0]()

but I'm usually too lazy, and it's an ugly solution anyway, compared to the simple one which the OP was apparently trying to avoid:

    if x != 0:
        b = 1/x
        b = 1.0e99



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