Torsten Mohr wrote:
reading the documentation (and also from a hint from this NG)
i know now that there are some types that are not mutable.

But why is it this way?

There are various reasons, some apply for some types, and some for others: - immutable objects are hashable - their hash value will not change during their life time (if it is a container, the contained objects also need to be hashable). Mutable types are typically not hashable. A type needs to be hashable to act as a dictionary key. - immutable objects can be shared, allowing the same reference to be used in multiple places. For mutable objects, one often needs to make a copy of the object before storing it. - immutable types can often be implemented more efficiently. For examples, the length of a tuple is fixed, as tuples are immutable. Therefore, memory management for tuples is simpler (they only require one memory block, instead of two, as lists do). - for some types, the expectation of immutability is so common that people would complain massively if they were mutable. This, in particular, applies to numbers - people expect that after x = 7 the variable x keeps the value, and that the "7" object cannot suddenly change its value to 8.

From an overhead point of view i think it is not optimal,
for example for a large string it could be much faster to
have it changed in place, not generating a new one for
every step in a change.

For strings, the following points apply; as a net result, the overhead is *less* than it would be if strings were mutable: - strings must be hashable, so they can be used as a dictionary key. If you would modify, say, len.func_name, then newly imported code could not find the len function anymore. It would be possible to solve this by introducing an additional immutable identifier type, but then you would need to create copies of strings (to create identifier object). Many applications might break which currently use strings as dictionary keys. - strings are currently assumed to be shareable. You pass strings to functions which then store the strings in global variables, object attributes, etc. In all these places, copies would need to be made if strings were mutable, since the caller might chose to modify the string afterwards. - immutable strings consume less memory than mutable strings would, because a string is made up of just one memory block.


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