Peter Hansen wrote:
Lucas Raab wrote:
Sorry, the third "byte" is what I meant.
Fair enough. Note, however, that as someone pointed out,
it's actually the *fourth* of something, and it would not
necessarily be a byte. In fact, in your case, it's not:
typedef unsigned long int word32 ;
void mu(word32 *a)
int i ;
word32 b[3] ;
This defines an array of *3* long (32-bit) integers.
b[0] = b[1] = b[2] = 0 ;
Each of these is just indexing into that array, starting
as Python does with an index origin of zero.
The "a[#]" and "b[#]" are the parts that are giving me trouble.
Between the clarifications you've got and Duncan's post,
you shouldn't have much more trouble now. :-)