>      I have a wxPython application that does a lot of things. One of them,
>in particular, I have doubts on how to implement it. Essentially, this part
>of my application calls an external executable (an oil reservoir
>simulator). What I would like to do, is to give the user the possibility to
>run more than 1 simulation at the same time. This means:
>1) Writing the executable "data file" needed by the simulator
>2) Run the executable file (and wait until completion)
>3) Examine the simulation results
>For this, I was thinking about threads... does anyone have other/better
>suggestion(s)? Does anyone see any difficulty/memory problems in using

Yes.  Threads are used to run multiple parts of your own program.  To run
another program, you need to launch a new process.

You can still monitor it.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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