Xah Lee wrote:
# here's a while statement in python.

a,b = 0,1
while b < 20:
print b
a,b = b,a+b

# here's the same code in perl

while ($b<20) {
print $b, "\n";
($a,$b)= ($b, $a+$b);

Because you're posting this to newsgroups, it would be advisable to use only spaces for indentation -- tabs are removed by a lot of newsreaders, which means your Python readers are going to complain about IndentationErrors.

Personally, I think you should not do this over comp.lang.python (and perhaps others feel the same way about comp.lang.perl.misc?) Can't you start a Yahoo group or something for this? What you're doing is probably not of interest to most of the comp.lang.python community, and might me more appropriate in a different venue.


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