If what you want is to insert a method into an instance, look at new.instancemethod.
John Roth
"michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
below is a snipplet that could be seen as a part of a spreadsheet with getter and setter properties and a way how to dynamically insert function to be used when setting the value of a "cell" instance
import new import inspect
class Cell (object):
def __init__ (self, initialvalue = 0): self._func = None self.__value = initialvalue
def setvalue (self, newvalue): if self._func: self.__value = self._recalculate (newvalue) else: self.__value = newvalue
def getvalue (self): return self.__value
def _recalculate (self, value):
ret_value = self._func (value)
return ret_value
def delvalue (self): del self.__value
value = property(getvalue, setvalue, delvalue, "I'm the 'value' property.")
def curry(self, func, *args): self._func = new.function(func.func_code, func.func_globals, argdefs=args)
func = property(curry, "I'm the 'func' property.")
def func (value, firstcell, secondcell): return value + firstcell.value + secondcell.value
cell0 = Cell (10) cell1 = Cell (20)
curriedcell = Cell (100)
print "uncurried initial %d " % (curriedcell.value)
curriedcell.value = 60
print "uncurried set %d " % (curriedcell.value)
curriedcell.curry (func, cell0, cell1) curriedcell.value = 62
print "curried set %d " % (curriedcell.value)
Is there a better way to do this or am I totally on the wrong way ?
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