> Well I find this a confusing behaviour on python's part. The fact
> that instance.field can mean something different, depending on
> where in a statement you find it, makes the behaviour inconsistent.
> I know people in general here are against declarations, but declarations
> could IMO provide more consistency here and thus more obvious behaviour.

Well just to show how confusing python can be, the following piece of

| class Spam:
|   eggs = [2, 3]
| sp1 = Spam()
| sp2 = Spam()
| print sp1.eggs, id(sp1.eggs)
| print sp2.eggs, id(sp2.eggs)
| print '--------------------'
| sp1.eggs += [4,]
| print sp1.eggs, id(sp1.eggs)
| print sp2.eggs, id(sp2.eggs)
| print '--------------------'
| Spam.eggs = [3,5]
| print sp1.eggs, id(sp1.eggs)
| print sp2.eggs, id(sp2.eggs)
| print '--------------------'

Which produces:

[2, 3] 1075958860
[2, 3] 1075958860
[2, 3, 4] 1075958860
[2, 3, 4] 1075958860
[2, 3, 4] 1075958860
[3, 5] 1075959084


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